
2024 route announced

Casa Árabe, in Madrid, hosted this Thursday the Škoda Titan Desert Morocco 2024 presentation. An event that has served to announce the route of this year’s edition of the race, as well as all the sporting and logistical news. The presentation was attended by Jesús García, Titan World Series CEO; Joan Massallé, Sponsorships and Events […]

Škoda Titan Desert Morocco 2023: between altitude and desert

The Škoda Titan Desert Morocco has announced its 2023 route. While in 2022 the desert was the main protagonist, this year the mountains and the contrasting landscapes take over. Over 620 kilometres and 7,700 metres of accumulated height gain over six stages are the Škoda Titan Desert Morocco 2023’s calling card. Mountains, desert, fast tracks and navigation sections come […]

Discover the Škoda Titan Desert Morocco