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The Škoda Titan Desert Morocco is a mountain biking (MTB) endurance and orientation race run as a Challenge, meaning that participants who finish outside the time limit or drop out of a stage no more than once can start the following stage but will no longer be eligible for the general classification or any other classification.

Below you have the rules of the Škoda Titan Desert Moroccp 2024 edition. Soon we will update with the 2025 regulations.

Route and distance

The six stages of the race have an average distance of about 110 km each, and there may be one stage of 80 km and others of up to 140 km.


  • The Škoda Titan Desert Morocco is open to riders of all genders who are older than 16. Riders under 18 need permission from a parent or guardian to participate in the race.
  • The following participation options are available:
    • Individual
    • Škoda Adventure
      • All competitors participating in the event will be eligible for the Škoda Adventure classification, i.e. not receiving any assistance from a doctor or physiotherapist on arriving at the bivouacs.
      • Competitors in this classification may not belong to a team (3) or compete in other classifications
      • The help/transfer/purchase of any mechanical or personal component from any other group is not permitted
      • The only assistance allowed will be that given between participants. This assistance is only allowed in timed sections, not in the bivouacs.
      • Any participant who receives external assistance will lose their place in the classification and receive a 30-minute penalty in their general classification.
      • Assistance services must notify the Participants’ Service of any help given to competitors who are in the Škoda Adventure classification.
      • In the event of a participant deciding to withdraw from the classification, he/she will receive a 30-minute penalty in the general classification
      • The bicycle plate and identifying bracelet for the Škoda Adventure classification must be visible, and may not be manipulated or modified
      • Not observing any of these rules will mean disqualification from the classification and the 30-minute associated penalty
      • All competitors must work on their bicycles in the area allocated for the purpose
      • The rider placed first in the Škoda Adventure classification will start in the second wave, unless his/her position in the general classification puts him/her in first one.
      • In the event of receiving external assistance, the rider will be excluded from the class with a 30-minute penalty and will pass to the ordinary general classification.
    • Teams – Teams of three riders who participate on an individual basis and can be of different ages and genders.
    • Mixed Duos – Mixed-gender teams of two riders.
    • Corporate Teams – Teams consisting of two riders from the same company whatever their gender(s). Proof of working for the same company is required. 
    • Ambassador Teams – Teams consisting of two riders from the same town or city whatever their gender(s). Proof of registration in the town or city for at least one year is required.
  • Options with fewer than five participants/teams will be cancelled.


There are several men’s categories:

  • Under-25 Born from 1999 to 2008 (16 to 25 years old)
  • Elite Born from 1985 to 1998 (26 to 39 years old)
  • Master 40 Born from 1975 to 1984 (40 to 49 years old)
  • Master 50 Born from 1963 to 1974 (50 to 59 years old)
  • Master 60 Born in 1962 or before (60 years old or more)

There are several women’s categories:

  • Elite Born from 1985 to 2008 (16 to 39 years old)
  • Master Born in 1984 or earlier (40 years or older)

Categories with fewer than five participants/teams will be cancelled. Riders whose categories have been cancelled will be redistributed as follows: Under-23s will be reassigned to Elite, Master 40 riders will be reassigned to Elite, Master 50 riders will be reassigned to Master 40, and Master 60 riders will be reassigned to Master 50.
In the women’s category, Masters will be reassigned to Elite.


  • The organisation will provide each registered participant with the following items:
    • A number plate, an ID wristband, two race numbers, the online rules and regulations, and the route in digital format (GPX).
    • A geolocation device (mandatory).
  • An approved rigid helmet must be worn at all times during the race.
  • The number plate must be placed on a visible spot at the front of the bicycle and cannot be modified in any way.
  • Both race numbers —one on the jersey and the other on the hydration pack— must be visible.
  • Members of the same team will wear the same jersey. In the case of members of the Ambassador teams, the name of the town/city they are representing must appear on their sports equipment. In the case of members of Corporate teams, the name or logo of the company/brand they are representing must appear on their sports equipment.
  • Riders must carry a thermal blanket with them at all times during the race.
  • Participants are required to start each stage with three (3) litres of water, which will be provided by the organisation.
  • Use of a GPS device is mandatory. 
  • The official leader’s jersey in the Titan Desert can only be worn by the rider leading the race, both in the men’s and the women’s category (red/blue) and by the leader of the Škoda Adventure classification.
  • Bicycles must have two wheels of the same diameter in which the front wheel is the guide wheel and the rear wheel is the drive wheel, and with pedals driving a chain. Bicycles must be powered exclusively by the legs of their riders in a circular motion and using a bottom bracket. Electric assistance or any other type of assistance is forbidden. 
  • Tandem bikes will be accepted in the race; the two participants will be identified with the same race number. Tandems will have a classification just for them; they will not be eligible for the individual stage classification or the GC.

Conduct of the race

  • The six-day event consists of six mass-start raid stages.
    Participants are required to overnight at the venues designated by the organisation.
    Stages are run as raid races. Individual times in each stage are added together to establish an individual general classification
  • The GPS tracks provided to each rider include all the details on each stage, including a description of the course, kilometre points, a stage profile with altitude differences, start and finish points, and the waypoint start (WPS) Locations will be given in decimal degrees and minutes using the DATUM WGS 84 format.
  • Participants are required to go through all the checkpoints (CPs) in the order established by the organisation. Failure to go through a checkpoint will result in a time penalty.
  • Participants are required to go through all the hydration stations in the order established by the organisation.
  • Where applicable, neutralised and liaison sections are to be covered by bicycle on the course established by the organisation.
  • All participants are required to record their routes on their GPS devices and store the data for consultation by the organisation until the start of the next stage.
  • The race route is open to traffic. Participants are therefore required to follow traffic rules and exercise caution when riding through inhabited areas.
  • Marathon stage Stage 3 will be considered a marathon stage and will have the following particular features: – Any external (mechanical or personal) assistance is prohibited at the end of the stage. – The riders should carry the equipment they consider necessary for the overnight stay.
  • The first few kilometres of each stage —from the start until the WPS— must be covered on the course established by the organisation. Navigation after the WPS is left to each rider.


Race Officials

The General Manager serves as the race director:

  • JESÚS GARCÍA — Titan World Series CEO
  • MANUEL TAJADA — Project Manager / Sports Director
  • MIQUEL ESTEVE — Participant Relations and Registration
  • ÁLVARO VILCHES – Press Deparment

Start check

  • The start check opens one hour before the scheduled start of the stage.
  • The start check closes fifteen minutes before the scheduled start of the stage.
  • Start boxes:
    • On the first day, a start box will be reserved for riders with race numbers 1 through 50 and 200 through 205.
    • In the other stages, there will be four reserved areas:
      • 1st spot:
        – 20 top classified in the general classification.
        – 3 first women.
        – 1st mixed duo team
      • 2nd spot:
        – Riders classified 21 to 50 in the general classification
        – 4th and 5th women.
        – 1st classified in the Škoda Adventure classification
        – 2nd and 3rd mixed duo
      • 3rd spot:
        – Riders classified 51 to 100 in the general classification.
        – 2nd and 3rd in the Škoda Adventure classification
      • 4th spot:
        – Rest of riders.
  • Participants who are no longer eligible for the classification but still want to race will have to start from the back of the start box.
  • The start will be given at the scheduled time using an acoustic signal and the timer will start to run for all riders.
  • Each rider must go under the start arch.

Hydration stations

  • The organisation will provide water to all participants at the start (3 litres) and during the stage (at least once every 40 km). The locations of Hydration Stations will be made known on the eve of each stage.
  • Riders must write their race numbers on a visible part of their bottles, food containers and other belongings with a permanent marker. Failure to dispose of these items properly will result in the offending rider (identified through his/her race number) receiving a warning. A second offence will result in a one-hour penalty in the general classification. A third offence will lead to disqualification from the race. 
  • The organisation has the right to verify that all participants have marked their food and drinks properly at the start checks.
  • Each HS will be considered a virtual CP for the purposes of these rules.

Stage finish and classifications

  • Stage classification.  Participants will be ranked by finishing order after checking that they have completed the established course. These checks will be carried out by reviewing CP and HS data electronically. Failure to go through a CP or HS will result in a time penalty.
  • Navigation Segments. During the race, the riders may come across navigation sectors. These will be sections where the organization will not provide any tracks or extra signalling. They will be notified before the start of the stage. In this stage, the day’s start will be individual for the top 20 in the men’s general classification and for the top 3 in the women’s general classification, in reverse order to their classification and every 30”. The start will be from a podium on the start line. The remaining riders will take the start 5’ after the last rider starting from the podium.
  • Škoda Challenge. The Škoda Challenge will take place during the first stage. It will be held on an uphill section, marked with a beginning and an end by two tracking cells. The top three riders in this section will be given a bonus time of 90”, 60” and 30” respectively in the overall classification of the stage.
  • Time limit and withdrawals  A time limit is established according to the characteristics of each stage and made known at the daily briefing. Adjusting these time limits due to adverse weather conditions or some other reason is the exclusive right of the race director. Time limits shall also apply to riders who have to repair their bicycles or receive medical assistance and then go on to finish the stage on their own. The time spent making repairs or receiving assistance shall count towards the stage time and shall not result in an extension of the time limit. Riders who have finished outside the time limit or have dropped out and wish to start the next stage can continue in the race as long as they have not finished outside the limit or dropped out of previous stages. They will no longer be eligible for the final general classification or other classifications.
  • Team classification
    •  Teams will be eligible for the team classification if all their members have completed all the stages of the race. 
      Teams will be ranked in each stage by adding together the individual times of the three riders in each team. The top team will be the one with the best cumulative time. In the event of a tie, the places of these three riders in the stage will be added together and the higher-ranked team will be the one with the lowest total. If the tie persists, the team with the highest-ranked rider in the stage will be considered higher-ranked.
      Only duly registered teams with three riders in the race are eligible for the team classification. 
    • Mixed Duos are required to ride together, with no more than 1 minute between one rider and the other at each CPs and at the finish. Failure to do so will lead to their disqualification from the team classification and relegation to the individual general classification with a 90-minute penalty.
    • Corporate Teams are required to ride together, with no more than 1 minute between one rider and the other at each CPs and at the finish. Failure to do so will lead to their disqualification from the team classification and relegation to the individual general classification with a 90-minute penalty.
    • Ambassador Teams are required to ride together, with no more than 1 minute between one rider and the other at each CPs and at the finish. Failure to do so will lead to their disqualification from the team classification and relegation to the individual general classification with a 90-minute penalty.
    • Rookie Teams: the two members of the team should ride together with no more than 1 minute’s difference between them, both when passing checkpoints and at the finish line. Otherwise, they will be disqualified from the teams’ classification and be transferred to the general individual classification with a penalty of 90 minutes.

General classifications and protocol

  • Individual general classification by timeThe winner of this classification will be the rider with the best cumulative time after all the stages.  In the event of a tie, the rider with the lowest cumulative total of places for all stages will prevail. If the tie persists, the highest-ranked rider in the final stage will prevail. Only riders who have completed all stages will be eligible for this classification.  Riders racing as part of a Mixed Duo, Ambassador Team, Rookies or Corporate Team are ineligible for this classification. 
  • General team classification The winner of this classification will be the team with the best cumulative team times for all stages. In the event of a tie, the places of these three riders in the stage will be added together and the higher-ranked team will be the one with the lowest total.
    If the tie persists, the highest-ranked team in the final stage will prevail.
  • Special category classifications Special category classifications are established for the Elite, Under-25, Master 40, Master 50, Master 60, women’s Elite and women’s Master based on the order of the general individual classification by time.
  • Škoda Adventure classification This classification is for participants who take part individually (i.e. not as part of a team) and receive no mechanical support or physiotherapy. 
  • Protocol During the briefing held at 8 pm in the designated place after the end of each stage, the organisation will award a trophy and the leader’s jersey to the top rider in the male and female individual general classification. These riders are required to wear the jersey in the next stage.

Technical Aspects

  • Each rider is responsible for going through the start checks and riding under the start arch.
  • Riders are not allowed to cross or use any roads or paved sections not included in the stage track.
  • Any method that gives riders an unfair advantage to gain time on others is forbidden.
  • Only vehicles authorised by the organisation are allowed to follow the race. 
  • In order to ensure the safety of the participants and preserve the adventure spirit of the race, vehicles associated to participants are not allowed to be ahead of the broom wagons on the course during the race.
  • Participants are allowed to exchange material during the race.
  • External (material or technical) support during a stage is forbidden.
  • Participants can call upon mechanics, masseurs, physiotherapists, etc. between one stage and the next, but not during a stage. 
  • Auxiliary staff must be accredited by the organisation and may only work at official hotels, official camps and designated areas.
  • No external assistance is allowed between the finish of the marathon stage and the start of the following stage.

Penalties and appeals

Riders can appeal against decisions by the organisation and/or official classifications in writing up to 30 minutes after notification of the violation or publication of the official classification at the Participant Relations tent. Appellants are required to pay a €100 deposit that will be refunded if the appeal is upheld







External mechanical support during stages





Failure to go through finish checks





Failure to go through four different CPs during a stage





Failure to provide the organisation with GPS records of the route





Failure to overnight at the venues established by the organisation





Failure to ride under the start arch





Failure to undergo a doping test





Failure to wear a helmet during the race





Improper disposal of food and/or drink packaging (third offence)





Mechanical support or physiotherapy after the marathon stage





Straying from the established course before the WPS





Violent behaviour between competitors, officials and/or the public




100 to 600€

Failure to go through a checkpoint or hydration station


5 hours



Failure to go through a checkpoint or hydration station in the order established by the organisation


 5 hours



Riding on unauthorised paved roads


 5 hours



Failure to go through the start check


 3 hours



Improper disposal of food and/or drink packaging (second offence)


 1 hour



Failure to undergo a doping test within 30 minutes of finishing


 1 hour



Covering the advertising on the number plate or race numbers





Failure to carry a water reserve





Failure to display the race numbers or number plates





Failure to wear a jersey and a culotte or trousers





Failure to wear an approved helmet





Failure to wear the leader’s jersey





Wearing the leader’s jersey without being the leader






Riders can appeal against decisions by the organisation and/or official classifications in writing up to 30 minutes after notification of the violation or publication of the official classification at the Participant Relations tent. Appellants are required to pay a €100 deposit that will be refunded if the appeal is upheld.

Dopping test

  • All participants in the event can be called for doping tests.
  • Riders are responsible for finding out if they have been selected for doping tests by checking the list of race numbers published at the finish. This list can be found on the panel of the Participant Relations tent.
  • Selected riders are required to go through testing within 30 minutes of finishing the stage.
  • The following riders will have to undergo testing after each stage:
    • a. The leader of the men’s individual classification.
    • b. The leader of the women’s individual classification.
  • The following riders will have to undergo testing after the last stage:
    • a. The first Under-23 rider
    • b. The first Elite rider
    • c. The first Master 40 rider
    • d. The first Master 50 rider
    • c. The first Master 60 rider
    • d. The first female rider
    • e. Two riders selected by the organisation. Their race numbers will be shown on the panel at the Participant Relations tent.

Prize list and protocol

  • After the last stage, a briefing will be held with all the participants including protocol ceremonies. The top 3 riders in the individual general classification by time (male and female categories) and the top 3 in the other category and team classifications are required to attend clad in the clothes set out in the rules.
  • Prizes The highest-ranked rider in the men’s, women’s categories will receive:
    • Free registration in the 2024 Škoda Titan Desert Morocco.
    • The top 3 riders in each category will receive: 
    • Trophy
    • The top 3 riders in each category in the Team, Mixed Duo, Corporate, Rookie, Ambassador and Škoda Adventure classifications will receive:


  • All participants must be courteous towards other participants, members of the organisation, media and the public.
  • The organisation reserves the right to amend these rules at any time.
  • Registering in the Škoda Titan Desert Morocco constitutes acceptance of these rules.