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Luis León and Tessa, king and queen of the desert

No more shy Luis León Sánchez, who did not dare to throw himself into the race. The Spaniard, who was showing an incredible respect for the desert challenges and the trials of the Škoda Titan Desert Morocco, today has been unleashed. The legs of the Kosner – Saltoki Home rider have never been in question. […]

Luisle’ wins with pure class and becomes leader

What are the biggest challenges for a newcomer to the Škoda Titan Desert Morocco? Perhaps knowing how the body will react to living in the camp. Or face the always dreaded navigation sections. Or find out how he’ll handle the bike in the desert. Some of these issues have not yet been solved. There has been […]

Everything is ready for the Škoda Titan Desert Morocco 2024

Just a few hours left for the start of the Škoda Titan Desert Morocco 2024. The 452 Titans that will form the peloton are already in Boumalne Dades, ready and eager to take the start tomorrow. Ahead of them lie 600 kilometers of challenge and over 6,000 meters of elevation gain over six stages. This […]

Betalú will never cease to be Betalú

Josep Betalú is known in the Škoda Titan Desert Morocco peloton as ‘the fox of the desert’. A nickname that highlights both his dominance in the race, as well as his cunning and intelligence in the riding. The KH7 rider may never have been the one who pushed the hardest or climbed the best, but […]

12 seconds later, Herrero leads again

352 days have passed since the end of the 2022 edition of the Škoda Titan Desert Morocco. But it all came down to 12 seconds. The only 12 seconds of the entire race in which Fran Herrero was not the overall leader and gave up his jersey to Konny Looser. Almost a full year later, […]

DHL once again supports the Škoda Titan Desert Morocco

La marca de logística y transporte internacional, líder mundial en su sector, será por 7º año la encargada de recoger las bicicletas de los titanes y transportarlas hasta Marruecos. En poco más de un mes, la caravana de la Škoda Titan Desert Morocco pondrá rumbo a Marruecos para celebrar su próxima edición. Una gran aventura […]

Discover the Škoda Titan Desert Morocco